Anneswer to Cancer

About the Cause 

When Brett Hyslop's mother Anne passed away at Victoria Hospice in 2010, Brett wanted to do something to thank the organization which had given so much to his mother and family. Brett's business parter in World Cup Soccer Camp, Steph Steiner, suggested they create a soccer fundraiser and together they founded Anneswer to Cancer in 2011. Since 2011, the event has grown substantially, thanks to a team of dedicated working committee donating their time to make the event what it is today. Led by Brett, Steph and Meredith Campbell-Jess, this volunteer team is comprised of Mark Barnes, John Kilbank, Meaghan Hyslop, Darin Jess, Jag Phagura, Nancy Phagura, and Judy Sam.

The family soccer event is a fundraiser for Victoria Hospice and for families with mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos.

The action-packed day includes a 12-team round robin tournament with various other events including penalty shot, radar machine, cut-throat keeper, juggling contest, and a team obstacle course challenge.

This one-day event, always held on the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend, has raised over $500,000 for Victoria Hospice.
