Why I Ride - Dave Hubscher

"If you put your mind to it, you can do it!" Dave Hubscher 300x400.jpg

Dave Hubscher is a rider with the Country Grocer Spinners team and first started riding in the Cycle of Life Tour in 2015. He's looking forward to riding again and to connecting with both new and returning riders this year!  

What brings you to the Cycle of Life Tour this year?

I started riding in the Cycle of Life Tour mainly because Country Grocer, my employer, is a sponsor.  They were asking if anyone was interested in riding, I hummed and hawed a bit before joining, I was a recreational mountain biker at the time and wasn't sure about riding the 200km's, but after checking out the route, I thought what the heck!  I then bought a road bike and that was it.

What keeps me coming back year after year, is the people.  Seeing everyone that I've met along the way.  Everyone is really nice, they're great people.  I didn't really know much about hospice care before the ride, but I did a little research on what hospice is; that paired with the experince of the ride and meeting the people (and hearing their stories), it moves you.

What is one great memory you have from a previous year?

The whole experience has been great.  The whole ride, meeting the people involved.  It's hard to pick just one memory.  I'd say accomplishing the first ride and still being able to walk the next day was pretty remarkable!

What are you looking forward to most about the ride this year?

I'm looking forward to reconnecting with the people.  This year is a bit different for me though, as I'm going to be riding in memory of my Dad.

How are you preparing for the ride?

This year has been a struggle, the summer was late coming and I'm a fair-weather rider.  I know the ride though and feel confident I'll be okay.  I've got my Dad high above, to push me onward.

Where do you find strength and support leading up to and during the ride?

Internal motivation I guess, and meeting different cyclists/ participants along the way.  Completing the ride together is motivation to keep going.  No one is left behind.  It's a real group effort.

What's your fundraising goal?

I set my goal at $1,000 and I'm just over half way there!

What creative ways are you using to try to meet your goal?

Family, friends and business associates are big supporters.  We also do a lot of fundraising as a team, like barbeques, to help everyone reach their goals.  Hopefully this year, with everyone's efforts, Country Grocer should be close to raising $20,000.  The whole Cycle of Life Tour initiative is gaining momentum, which is awesome!

What does Hospice and Palliative Care mean to you?

Having my Dad recently receive hospice care, then having the support of hospice after his passing, has kind of brought all of the pieces together for me.  Before our family needed the services of Victoria Hospice, I didn't understand, or really knew, what hospice care was all about, but now I do.  The doctors and nurses there are amazing, a really great group.  We all have to use it (hospice care) and it's nice to know it's there when you need it.

What do you do outside of the Cycle of Life Tour?

I mountain bike off and on, I like to be outside.  It's peaceful, different than riding on the road.  I also golf.  I've been golfing a long time, mainly for recreation.  It clears my mind.  Many people say golf is a mentally challenging game, but for me it's the opposite, it's my time to relax.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to our Cycle of Life Tour Community?

It's not a race, it's a ride. There is definitely a lot of support along the way from fellow riders.  If you put your mind to it, you can do it.

If you get the opportunity to join the ride, you should do it.  This year everyone signed up and they sold out quickly, which just goes to show how much awareness and momentum this event has created.

Click here to donate to Dave's fundraising goal