Why I Ride - Veronica Foster

Veronica Foster

"Find those hills (when training), and fear not!"


Veronica is a returning rider from 2017 and is riding in support of Victoria Hospice.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I'm a fun loving mother of 2 great kids.  One is in the distant land of Kiwis and the other is here in Victoria.  I love being in the Great Outdoors either in a kayak or on a hike as the island is such a beautiful place to be and explore. I especially love being on my bike when I can ride past the ocean or in another instance, country fields.

What first brought you to the Cycle of Life Tour? What keeps you coming back?

I signed up for the Cycle of Life Tour when I saw a posting for it on Island Health's Communications in 2017 and have been addicted every since.

Why is it important to you to support hospice care? Do you have a personal connection to hospice?

Supporting hospice care is important to me because I’ve known 2 people who spent their last days in hospice.  They were both very dear to me and they were so well cared for.

What is one of your favourite memories from the ride?

Meeting the cutest Bassett Hound puppy on Salt Spring during my first tour.  He and I had a photo shoot together.  And of course, seeing all those crazy guys jump in the lake on Salt Spring then continue cycling for the day!

What are you looking forward to most about the ride this year?

I look forward to training and cycling with my friends that I met on my first tour.  Thank-you, Cycle of Life Tour for bringing us together!

How are you preparing for the ride?

I took spin classes during the winter months then a run clinic for 14 weeks to keep up my endurance.  I’ve started back on the road now that the weather has gotten better since I’m a bit of a fair-weather cyclist.  My friends and I will be doing 2-3 evening rides during the week and 1 longer ride on the weekend.  I also regularly do a 20-30km leisure ride on Sundays.  Our rides will lengthen as we get closer to the Tour and we’ll do some 2-day weekend rides.

Where do you find strength and support leading up to and during the ride?

Food = Fuel! :-)

I find strength and support from people who are so generous towards the cause.  Also from my friends that I train with.  They really help to motivate me.  My one girlfriend pushes me further when I need that little extra bit to get me going!

What is your fundraising goal? What creative things are you doing to meet that goal?

My goal is $2,000.  Our team is looking into BBQ fundraisers as well as a few other things.  I look forward to a creation that we call the Toonie Bar for Hospice.  I’ll be selling popsicles on a few hot days this year.  Everyone loves a cool treat on those days!

Do you have any advice for first time riders?

Train, train, train.  Just get on your bike and ride lots.  Find those hills and fear not.  You’ll be so glad that you put in the time and extra effort.  Most of all, enjoy yourself!  We’ve got a beautiful landscape here to bike around in.

CLICK HERE to support Veronica's fundraising goal!